Makin Traks

2016 John Deere 670GP with 6,200 hours. 14ft blade, EH controls, sold with push block and MS ripper. This 670GP Grader will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 279,900 plus GST.

2010 CAT D5K XL with 4,500 hours. Trimble wired with TDL 450L unit and 2 x flags, MS ripper, sweeps and screens, window tint, LED lighting, reverse camera, HD stick rake. This D5K XL will be sold as is, traded machine. 197,900 plus GST.

2013 CAT 140M2 VHP PLUS with 7,200 hours. 14ft blade, Grade control, VHP Plus, Push block, MS ripper, New Tyres. This 140M2 Grader will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 317,900 plus GST.

2021 CAT 259D3 Skid Steer with 1,890 hours. Two speed, Cab Air, Heater. Straight and tidy machine. This 259D3 will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report and a 4 in 1 bucket. 107,900 plus GST.

2021 CAT 299D3 with only 1,180 hours. Two speed, High Flow, Cab Air, Heater. Straight and tidy machine. This 299D3 will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report and a 4 in 1 bucket. 189,900 plus GST.

2018 Komatsu D155AX-8 with only 7,400 hours. Sigma blade, MS ripper, Very good under carriage, sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. Machine is fitted with Emergency stops inside and out side, Battery isolator switch, fire extinguisher, reverse camera, beacon and UHF 549,900 plus GST.

2005 CAT D6N LGP with only 3,700 hours. 6 way blade, sweeps, rear screen and door screens. 19 ton, 150HP, complete new HD undercarriage. This D6N LGP will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 269,900 plus GST with winch OR 279,900 plus GST with new MS ripper.

2016 Komatsu D39EX-24 with 4,000 hours. 6 way blade, 10 ton, 100HP, tidy machine, sold with MS ripper. This D39EX-24 will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive report. 214,900 plus GST.

2015 John Deere 850K WT with only 4,700 hours. 6 way blade, GPS wired, MS ripper. This 850K WT will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 339,900 plus GST.

2016 Komatsu D39EX-24 with only 4,000 hours. 6 way blade, 95 hp, 10 ton. This D39EX-24 will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 214,900 plus GST.

2015 John Deere 850K WT with only 4,900 hours. 6 way blade, GPS wired, MS ripper. This 850K will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 339,900 plus GST.

2015 CAT D3K2 XL with only 1,800 hours. Excellent small contractor and farmer s machine, low hours, very neat and tidy. HD custom stick rake and tree pusher, MS ripper, Sweeps, screens, mesh and top plate. Reversing camera, UHF, stereo, Non-DPF ADBlue engine. This D3K2 XL will be sold clean, detailed and serviced. 209,900 plus GST.