NEW 2024 CAT D3G-D5G HD Stick Rake.

$475,000 Ex GST

2005 CAT D8T XL with only 6,100 hours. SU tilt blade, HD tank guarding, excellent undercarriage with 80 remaining. This D8T XL was primarily a demonstration dozer. This machine will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. Sold with MS ripper. 475,000 plus GST.

$229,900 Ex GST

2015 CAT D6K2 XL with only 2,980 hours. ARO wired, new sweeps, screens and MS ripper to be fitted. Very good conventional undercarriage. This D6K2 XL will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 229,900 plus GST.

$269,900 Ex GST

2018 CAT D5K2 XL with only 2,100 hours. 6 way blade, 100HP, 10 Ton, genuine CAT sweeps, rear screen and MS ripper. This D5K2 XXL will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 269,900 plus GST.

$249,900 Ex GST

2020 CAT D5K2 XL with 4,100 hours. 10 ton, 100HP, Genuine CAT sweeps, screens and MS ripper. This D5K2 XL will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 249,00 plus GST.

$374,900 Ex GST

2013 CAT D6T XL with 5,800 hours. SU Tilt bade, sweeps, rear screen, MS ripper, ARO wired, HD tank guarding. Hard to find machine with these low hours. NON AD Blue machine. This D6T XL will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 374,900 plus GST.

$374,900 Ex GST

2013 CAT D6T XL with 5,800 hours. SU Tilt bade, sweeps, rear screen, MS ripper, ARO wired, HD tank guarding. Hard to find machine with these low hours. NON AD Blue machine. This D6T XL will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 374,900 plus GST.

$269,900 Ex GST

2016 CAT D6K2 XL with only 1,700 hours. 6 way blade, ARO wired, 135HP, 14 ton. Dozer will be fitted with sweeps, screens and MS ripper. This D6K2 XL will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 269,900 plus GST.

$319,900 Ex GST

2015 CAT 140M3 Grader with 6,200 hours. 14ft blade, sold with new push block and MS ripper. This 140M3 will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 319,900 plus GST.

$294,900 Ex GST

2015 John Deere 672G with 6,500 hours. 6 X 6 all wheel drive, push block, 14 ft blade, MS ripper, new tyres. This 672G Grader will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 294,900 plus GST.

$259,900 Ex GST

2013 CAT 12M2 with 8,500 hrs. 14ft blade, VHP Plus. Sold with new push block and MS ripper. This 12M2 grader will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. Extremely straight and original grader. 259,900 plus GST.

$314,900 Ex GST

1996 CAT D7H GREEN with only 1,200 hours. Ex Military dozer, SU tilt blade, tank guarding, new MS 2 barrel ripper. Very rare machine with these hours. This D7H will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 314,900 plus GST.

Showing 49-60 of 153 items.