$249,900 Ex GST

2020 CAT D5K2 XL with 4,100 hours. 10 ton, 100HP, Genuine CAT sweeps, screens and MS ripper. This D5K2 XL will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 249,00 plus GST.

$374,900 Ex GST

2013 CAT D6T XL with 5,800 hours. SU Tilt bade, sweeps, rear screen, MS ripper, ARO wired, HD tank guarding. Hard to find machine with these low hours. NON AD Blue machine. This D6T XL will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 374,900 plus GST.

$374,900 Ex GST

2013 CAT D6T XL with 5,800 hours. SU Tilt bade, sweeps, rear screen, MS ripper, ARO wired, HD tank guarding. Hard to find machine with these low hours. NON AD Blue machine. This D6T XL will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 374,900 plus GST.

$209,900 Ex GST

2022 CAT 299D3 XE Land Management, ONLY 890 hours. 120HP, 150L M hydraulic flow, 2 speed, debris kit, light guards, Extra diesel tanks, hydraulic quick hitch. Warranty options available. Sold with new 4 in 1 bucket. This 299D3 XE will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 209,900 plus GST.

$319,900 Ex GST

2016 CAT D6N XL with only 4,973 hours. VPAT blade, ARO wired, MS ripper. This D6N XL will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. Buy with confidence. 319,900 plus GST.

$269,900 Ex GST

2015 CAT D6K2 XL with ONLY 4,800 hours. VPAT blade, 14 ton, 135HP, sweeps, screens, hungry board, MS ripper to be fitted. NON AD Blue machine. New chains and pads recently fitted. This D6K2 XL will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. Buy with confidence. 269,900 plus GST.

$197,900 Ex GST

2022 CAT 299D3 XE Land Management Spec with 1,300 hours. Highflow, 2 speed, 150 L min, 120HP, Debris package, hydraulic coupler, Extra diesel capacity, near new tracks. This 299D3 XE will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. New 4 in 1 bucket included. 197,900 plus GST.

$439,900 Ex GST

2019 CAT D6T XL with only 7,900 hours. SU Tilt blade, 258HP, ARO wired, Grade control, tank guarding with hand rail, sweeps, rear screen, near new CAT U C, light package, highlight MS ripper. Sold with 250hr service and workshop report. 439,900 plus GST.

$469,900 Ex GST

2017 CAT D6T LGP with ONLY 6,690 hours. VPAT, ARO wired, Grade control, GPS 3D system included mushrooms and monitor , 258HP, tank guarding, hand rail, light package. New MS ripper included in price. Sweeps and screens available. Sold with 250hr service and workshop report. 469,900 plus GST.

$389,900 Ex GST

2012 CAT D6T LGP with ONLY 5,300 hours. Straight tilt blade, sweeps, screens, near new HD CAT U C, mint cabin interior, standard MS ripper, hydraulic tank guarding, service history, UHF and DPF delete kit. 389,900 plus GST.

$259,900 Ex GST

2014 CAT D6K2 XL 5,100 hours. VPAT Blade configuration, ARO wired, Multi Shank ripper to be fitted, new, sweeps and screens to be fitted. New track chains and plates will be installed. Machine will be sold with 250hr service, inspection and full comprehensive workshop report. 259,900 plus GST.

$249,900 Ex GST

2016 CAT D6K2 LGP with only 4,900 hours. ARO wired, 15 ton, 135HP. Sold with sweeps, screens and MS ripper. This D6K2 will be sold clean, detailed and serviced with our comprehensive workshop report. 249,900 plus GST.

Showing 85-96 of 153 items.